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Robot Simulation Software for Educational Purpose from LOGIC DESIGN
LOGIC DESIGN INTRODUCTION Founded in 1996, Logic Design Inc. (LDI) is a privately-held corporation headquartered in Toronto, Canada. LDI offers a suite of products ranging from simulation software to textbooks to computer-based testing, and course management software. In addition to its best-selling simulation products, such as CircuitLogix, 3DLab, PLCLogix, and RoboLogix, the company also has a strong focus on educational products to support the use of simulation. These products are used wor
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Robot Milling Simulation Software from ROBOTIS
Founded in 2001, Roboris develops Eureka Virtual Machining, an innovative application for simulating CNC Machine Tools and programming Robots (through CAD/CAM).All Roboris software is designed and developed internally, allowing for in-depth customization at any level.Roboris s.r.l. is located in Navacchio (Cascina, PI), in the heart of western Tuscany, 10 Km away from Pisa, 5 minutes away from the “G. Galilei” International Airport and nearby the train station.Roboris srl Registered Office: Vi
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CNC Machining Simulation from ROBORIS
EUREKA Virtual Machining Simulation Software ROBORIS Founded in 2001, Roboris develops Eureka Virtual Machining, an innovative application for simulating CNC Machine Tools and programming Robots (through CAD/CAM).All Roboris software is designed and developed internally, allowing for in-depth customization at any level.Roboris s.r.l. is located in Navacchio (Cascina, PI), in the heart of western Tuscany, 10 Km away from Pisa, 5 minutes away from the “G. Galilei” International Airport and
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Robot Simulation Software from Coppeliarobotics
Introduction about V-REP Robot Simulation Software V-REP is the Swiss army knife among robot simulators: you wont find a simulator with more functions, features, or more elaborate APIs. The robot simulator V-REP, with integrated development environment, is based on a distributed control architecture: each object/model can be individually controlled via an embedded script, a plugin, a ROS node,a remote API client, or a custom solution. This makes V-REP very versatile and ideal for multi-robot a
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High Speed Strain Measurement System from Elsys
High Speed Strain Measuremenet System A. Amplifer for strain measurement Description The Strain Gauge Amplifier SGA-2 is designed as a differential front-end amplifier to connect full, half or ¼ bridge strain gauges with internal bridge completion. While the SGA-2 is matched to connect to an Elsys highprecision Transient Recorder it is also suitable for any 3rd party data acquisition system. Key Capabilities · 4-wire and 6-wir
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Teaching Equipment and Training System from UK SCIENTIFIC
One of the best in Lasers, Optics and photonics UK SCIENTIFIC develop and offer a wide range of experimental kits and components to support the practical education at Universities Colleges and Institutes .The wide range of experimental kits covers the fundamentals in optics and laser and applications in industry, telecommunication and metrology.Working and teaching in the field of Optics. Lasers and photonics for more than 37 years gave us good experience in developing high soph
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About us The rotary hexapod developed by Jonathan Coulombe during his Bachelors degree studies.Mecademic, founded in 2013, is building the most affordable industry-grade educational robots. We established Mecademic because we were frustrated with the options available for teaching hands-on robotics. An educational institution needed either to spend at least $20,000 on an industrial robot or to buy a hobby-grade robot arm. With DexTAR, we have created a brand-new class of professional, but l
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Underwater and Military Robot from Tecdron
1 – HOME (en)CIVILTECDRON designs and manufactures robotic platforms dedicated to inspection, security and technical assistance.MILITARYTECDRON has a full range of robots designed for military applications: EOD, inspection, assistance, recognition.INDUSTRIALBased on your specifications, TECDRON can accompany you to propose the best technical solutions in response to your needs.ROBOTS TECDRONImages de robots et produits de la sociétéCYBERJET 250SCARAB VULCAINSCARAB LX Design to Ma